Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Benefit of Mango

Benefits of Beta-carotene Mango

Mango Antioxidant Rich Gizi.net - Mangoes belong to the group of stone fruit with fleshy shape, size, color, and aroma (aroma, flavor, texture) wide. Mango is a full round shape, such as mango Gedong, long and round, like mangoes and mango harumanis manalagi, Mango kopeks round flat, medium oval mango doll. Although the shape, size, color, and flavor varieties of mango. In terms of nutrition they almost did not differ significantly. fresh ripe mango contains about 82 percent water, vitamin C 41 mg, and energy / Kal 73 calories per 100 grams. In every 100 grams of young mango, mango still mentahterkandung about 84 percent water, vitamin C 65 mg, and energy 66 Cal. Energy in the young mango low because many contain more starch, which will turn into sugar in the ripening process.

Most of the energy derived from carbohydrates in the form of mango sugar, which makes it sweet. Sugar levels are dominated by groups of sucrose sugar. Sugar levels ranging from 7-12 percent in mango. However, the type of sweet mango can reach 16-18 percent. Mangoes are also a source of antioxidant beta-carotene, potassium, and vitamin C. Beta-carotene is a substance in the body is converted into vitamin A (essential nutrient for the function of the retina). Beta-carotene (and vitaminC) are also classified as antioxidants, compounds that may protect against cancer because it can neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules produced by the body's normal chemical processes, solar or cosmic radiation, cigarette smoke and other environmental influences.

In the body, the majority of free radicals derived from complex chemical processes when oxygen is used in the cell. Free radicals are chemically complete particles can steal from other molecules. He then produces abnormal compounds and create a chain reaction that can damage cells, by causing a fundamental change in the genetic material and the important parts of other cells. Simply put, how free radicals damage the body's cells, similar to the process of oxygen causes the paper turns yellow or butter becomes rancid. Antioxidant nutrients, like beta-carotene and vitamin C, do not create harmful free radicals by neutralizing them.

Abundant antioxidant nutrients contained in mango fruit. The content of beta-carotene and vitamin C (along with potassium, vitamin A activity, carbohydrate, energy and water) of some kinds of mangoes every 100 grams can be seen in some libraries. Vitamin C In addition to functioning as an antioxidant, vitamin C has a function to maintain and improve the health of capillaries, healthy teeth and gums. He helps the absorption of iron and can inhibit the production of natrosamin, a cancer-triggering substances. Vitamin C can also create permanent normal connective tissue and aid in healing wounds.

The content of vitamin C is quite decent mango. Every 100 grams of edible ripe mango supply as much as 41 mg of vitamin C, mango young even to 65 mg. Means, by consuming 150 grams of ripe mangoes or mango doll 200 grams (half a small cut), the adequacy of vitamin C is recommended for adult men and women per day (each 60 mg) can be fulfilled. Potassium potassium and stroke has a function of increasing regularity of heart rate, kotraksi activate muscles, and help blood pressure. Adequate consumption of potassium may reduce the effects of sodium in increasing blood pressure, and free to contribute to a reduced risk of stroke.

Satu penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bila seseorang menambahkan sepotong buah tinggi kalium ke dalam pola makanan sehari-hari, risiko terkena stroke fatal dapat dikurangi sebesar 40 persen. Konsumsi ekstra kalium sebanyak 400 mg setiap hari dapat mengurangi kemungkinan mendapat penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah.

Kalium terdapat melimpah pada mangga. Tiap 100 gram mangga terkandung kalium sebesar 189 mg. Dengan mengkonsumsi sebuah mangga harumanis ukuran sangat kecil (minimal 250 gram), atau sebuah mangga gedong ukuran sedang (200-250 g), kecukupan kalium sebanyak 400 mg per hari dapat terpenuhi.

Anda yang ingin membeli mangga bisa memilih mangga yang baik dengan warna hijau kekuning-kuningan, kulit licin, dan aroma yang manis. Hindarilah memilih buah yang terlalu keras atau terlampau lembek, memar, atau berbau fermentasi. (peneliti pada Pusat Litbang Gizi Depkes RI)
